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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Singapore Sling
Veronica watched Singapore Sling so you don’t have to, outlining all of the worst parts of this wet and gruesome ride through Greek Tragedy and BDSM.
Amy Seimetz's She Dies Tomorrow Explores the Terror of Anticipation
The brilliance of She Dies Tomorrow is in how it weaponizes the anxiety of anticipation. The finality of death, in comparison, feels far less terrifying than having to live in fear of its inevitability.
Post-Anime Club: The Legend of the Stardust Brothers & Hausu
Instead of trying to tackle an entire oeuvre, this time Carlo & Jenna focus on two wild and wacky films that have nothing in common except for their supremely cartoonish appearances.
Back Row's Third Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
We’re three years old today! Check out the most popular articles from our third year on this mortal coil–including I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, and I Watched It So You Don’t Have To and Hoser Horror.
Mandy: A Microcosm of Ideological War
While it might seem like a simple tale of revenge, Mandy is a post-Vietnam War story about ideological wars and the inescapable systems in which we find ourselves.
Ep# 19 - Kingdom of Trash (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love Junk Horror)
This week on the podcast, Veronica and Dan discuss trashy jump-scare horror and the current trend of calling certain genre films “elevated.”
Back Row's Second Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
We’re two years old and we’re learning how to run, talk and be more social. We’re also throwing tantrums, so click the damn link already!!
Suspiria's Problematic Take on Fascism and Guilt
With the character of Dr Klemperer, Luca Guadagnino and David Kajganich make an assumption of guilt that should be unpacked. In weighing the insinuations of this storyline, Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi comes to mind.
The World of Surreal and Experimental Horror Movies
There are scores of horror movies that follow formulas, rules, and tropes to the bitter end. Even with the 2018 glut of art house horror, plenty of familiar aspects linger. To really see beyond the rainbow on this one, we need to look to experimental horror.