We love unconventional movies
and we want to share our enthusiasm with you!
If you’re anything like us, you’re sick of takedown sites and “Top Ten Absolute Best Movies Ever” clickbait. So why not just focus on what we love: the strange, the underseen, the niche and the under-appreciated. There’s a whole catalogue of unusual, risk-taking, and rule-breaking films ready for consumption, and we don’t think you should be intimidated by them. You can and will appreciate them, sometimes it helps to have a group of weirdos help interpret them.
Our mission, and why we started this site, is to create an unpretentious film review website that focuses on breaking down the meaning and visual language into conversational musings. We love drawing connections between seemingly unconnected topics, time periods and visual themes. And if we’re honest, we also just wanted to share our opinions. Because we have strong ones.
And yes, we know the saying about “opinions” and “assholes,” but that’s not gonna stop us.
Please note: this is largely not a spoiler free website
Veronica Dolginko
San Francisco, California, USA
Jenna Ipcar
NYC, New York, USA
Carlo Vanstiphout
Best Boy
Genk, Belgium
Dan Gorman
Podcaster Extraordinaire
Toronto, Canada
If you have any questions, comments, screeners or pitches reach out to us.
Shut Up and Take My Money!
Okay. You can donate to us over on Patreon and join the party. Every dollar counts and we offer year end swag you’re financially stable enough to help us keep the place running.