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Ep#26 - Raisin' Hell with Burton, Harris, O'Toole, and Reed in the #MeToo Era
Jenna and Veronica discuss Robert Sellers' book Hellraisers–a biography about Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris, Richard Burton and Oliver Reed–and how the legacies of these four legendary drunks fit in with our modern societal standards.
Ep#25 - Hoser Horror: A Fruet Duet (Spasms & Blue Monkey)
In the latest Hoser Horror, it’s a duet of movies by William Fruet: the snake/telepathy thriller of Spasms (1983), and the sci-fi throwback with a modern twist that is Blue Monkey (1987).
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
At it’s heart, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a commentary on both the mutability of morality and the culpability of voyeurism. Or it’s a weirdly dark comedy, depends on how twisted your soul is.
A Double and Dinner: Moonstruck (1987) & I Love You to Death (1990)
It’s dinner and a movie with Italians, American Style! Veronica mixes it up by providing you with two recipes to go with your double feature of Moonstruck and I Love You To Death.
Ep#24 - Hoser Horror: US, Eh? Canadian American Horror
Hoser Horror goes a little bit south of North America and dips into the ol’ U.S.A. with this week’s two Canadian horror films–Red Blooded American Girl and American Nightmare.
Ep#23 - Hoser Horror: My Bloody Valentine & Visiting Hours
Carlo, Dan and guest Adam Eisentrout discuss My Bloody Valentine (1981), and Visiting Hours (1982) and their place in the pantheon of blood-soaked Canadian stab-’em-ups.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: The Greasy Strangler (2016)
A naked, greased-up elderly man who strangles people, eats their eyes and then scrubs off in a carwash. After watching The Greasy Strangler (2016), Veronica is not sure of anything anymore.
Ep#22 - Hoser Horror: Revenge in the Great White North
This week, Hoser Horror goes into the backwoods to find two of the meanest, sleaziest revenge movies this side of the great white north.
Ep# 21 - Post-Anime Club: Yasujiro Ozu
Carlo and Jenna are making up for years of ignoring Japanese cinema by focusing on some choice classics. First up are the charming and mesmerizing films of Yasujiro Ozu–including Tokyo Story, Floating Weeds, Good Morning, and more.
It's All Relative: Movies About the Inherent Dysfunction in Families
The fetishization of the family unit is only now beginning to get picked apart as people are becoming more honest and aware of the skewed, unfair dynamics that can play out within an insular group. Veronica takes a look at Captain Fantastic, The Wolfpack, The Midnight Swim and We Are What We Are.
Ep# 20 - Hoser Horror: When Animals Attack, Eh?
Animals are attacking on Hoser Horror, eh? Giant rats, killer fish, oh my! Carlo & Dan discuss Psycho Pike and GNAW: Food of the Gods II - and live to tell the tale!!
Mandy: A Microcosm of Ideological War
While it might seem like a simple tale of revenge, Mandy is a post-Vietnam War story about ideological wars and the inescapable systems in which we find ourselves.
"This Is Fine": The Dead Don't Die is a Portrait of Modern Complacency
Jim Jarmusch seems downright mad about our collective complacency and emotional compartmentalization towards the world. He’s hoping that if he dresses it up real nice in a fun, mainstream package, maybe you’ll get mad too.
Ep# 19 - Kingdom of Trash (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love Junk Horror)
This week on the podcast, Veronica and Dan discuss trashy jump-scare horror and the current trend of calling certain genre films “elevated.”
Ep# 18 - Hoser Horror: The Mask & Cannibal Girls
This week Dan and Carlo take a look at two firsts for Canadian horror: The Mask & Cannibal Girls.
Ep# 17 - Hoser Horror: Science Crazed & The Pit
This week on the podcast, Dan and Carlo get their toques on and don some flannel… it’s time for HOSER HORROR!
Art vs Trash: Why "Elevated Horror" Doesn't Work As Well as Junk Horror
Horror films are like yoga for the primordial parts of our brains, and when something is so directly tied to our lower instincts, it can be hard to ‘pretty it up.’
Ep# 16 - A Heroic Trio of Female Prisoner Scorpions
After being subjected to Jerry Lewis movies, Carlo challenges Jenna to watch some of his favorite action films–including The Heroic Trio, and the first two Female Prisoner Scorpion films.
Alex Ross Perry's "Her Smell" Reeks of Toxic Brilliance
Alex Ross Perry’s Her Smell perfectly depicts the push-and-pull ecosystem of the public’s relationship to a celebrity whose toxicity overshadows her talent.
Hearts of Darkness: Movies that Pit Humans Against Nature
Stories that pit man against nature are classic and universal. They remind us how far we’ve come and yet how easily it can all be taken away. The films Arctic, Sorcerer and Embrace of the Serpent each touch upon different existential horrors one can encounter when exposed to the elements.