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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Singapore Sling
Veronica watched Singapore Sling so you don’t have to, outlining all of the worst parts of this wet and gruesome ride through Greek Tragedy and BDSM.
See It Or Don't: Zach Cregger's Barbarian
Jenna and Veronica both enjoyed Barbarian, which is why they recorded a podcast ripping it apart. It’s one part film critique, one part conversation, and a whole lot of lusting after Lil’ Billy Skarsgård.
Double Feature: Of Love and Anxiety (Audition & Possession)
Veronica serves up an anxiety-riddled double feature for you to watch with your romantic partners with Audition (1999) and Possession (1981). Enjoy the pain!
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Martyrs
The charges against Martyrs range from misogyny, to torture porn, to support for getting what you want by any means necessary. It’s an unsettling and rightfully polarizing film, but I'd like to take a closer look at what exactly it is saying, and how many (if any) of these claims have validity.
The Two-Way Prison of Vigilantism in Villeneuve's Prisoners
The morality of vigilantism, as explored in Denis Villeneuve's 2013 film Prisoners.