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Jenna’s Top Ten Movies of 2024
Jenna’s top ten features a whole lot of foreign releases and female directed films – including those about the ancient past, dystopian and utopian futures, satanic temptations and howling good times.
Veronica’s Top 12 Movies of 2024
Veronica’s top twelve new to her watches include dopplegangers, sandworms, traveling through the abyss and Channing Tatum being a creep.
Dan's Top 30 "New To Me" Movies of 2023
Here’s 30 movies that Dan watched in 2023 for the first time and loved to varying degrees.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2023
Jenna gets into her favorites of 2023, a year of existential dread, rude awakenings, crushing loneliness, painful anxiety, and meditations on empathy.
Veronica's Top 13 Movies of 2022
Unable to rank them or choose less than ten, Veronica goes all in on the best new movies she watched in 2023 – including a whole lot of puking, ball busting, body horror, and murder. The good stuff.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2022
Jenna gets into her favorites of 2022, including films about Elvis, aliens, vikings, ghosts and people from New Jersey - oh my!
Ten of Carlo's Favorite Movies of 2021
Join Carlo as he “takes a bite outta” all of the movies that didn’t come out in 2021 he’s watched!
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2021
For the first time in ages, Jenna found there was just so many movies to like from 2021 that she had to actively find reasons to not include some of her favorites of the year. Long live 2021! (Well, for movies only, it was kinda shitty otherwise.)
Old & New: Veronica's Top Movies of 2021
It’s Veronica’s year end list of her favorite new and old movie watches for 2021. From Hollywood fare like Dune and Nightmare Alley all the way down to A24’s Lamb and Muriel's Wedding.
Veronica's Top New To Me Movies of 2020
There’s no number attached to Veronica’s “best of” list for 2020. This year, she’ll mention as many movies as she can remember seeing and liking well enough because, well, with theaters closed it was kind of hard for her to see much of anything. Dreaming of you movie theaters, xoxo come back soon.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2020
A great documentary, skillful character studies and a handful of surprisingly original biopics kept 2020 afloat for Jenna. Here’s hoping this under appreciated cinematic year, full of intriguing introspective visions, is the shape of things to come for the decade.
Ten Reasons Why Eric Roberts Was My Rock in the Year of the Curse, 2020
If there’s one guy who deserves some sort of Nic Cage-level renaissance, it’s Eric Roberts. With a filmography that’s over 300 films long, there’s no lack of hidden gems to discover. Let’s begin.
Carlo's C.R.A.P. (Cinematic Rarities And Peculiarities) 2019
Carlo’s caught a bad case of Movietitis B in 2019 so stay clear if you don’t wanna get sick.
Sill going for it, eh? Sick.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2019
Jenna rejects all your parasites, irishmen, gems uncut and once upon a times for a list of films that leans heavily on character development and themes of redemption.
Dan's Top Film Discoveries of 2019
Dan’s top film discoveries of 2019 include made for TV movies, found footage, documentaries about dating objects, arthouse slashers and overlooked 1990s dramas–it’s a cornucopia of the strange and great!
Old & New: Veronica's Top Ten for 2019
Veronica’s top ten for 2019 is a mix of old and new and includes everything from murderous cults, murderous alligators, murderous ice, murderous frat boys, murderous dancing… you get the idea.
Dan's Favourite Movie Discoveries of 2018
Dan Gorman lists his favorite new-to-him films of 2018, including a whole lot of Robert Wiseman documentaries and live-action cartoon C.H.O.M.P.S.
Veronica's Favorites of 2018: A Year of Quiet (And Not So Quiet) Desperation
To simply rattle off the movies I enjoyed, and the reasons why, would be too safe and too shallow. What follows is not a list of my favorite movies this year but rather an examination of one obvious, omnipresent theme: desperation.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2018
In 2018 I watched 326 films, with around 41 of those being 2018 releases. Unfortunately, while I enjoyed many 2018 movies, very few stood out as outstanding to me.
Captain Carlo's Top 10 Movie Discoveries in 2018
You watch 700+ movies, what do you get? Another year older and closer to death.
Whoa, that got dark. Anyway… Yay movies!