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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Scum (1979)
Empathy just one of the themes of Alan Clarke’s Scum, about England’s notorious Borstal youth detention center. It’s a harrowing watch, here to remind you that these prison systems benefit from society’s ability to look the other way when the truth becomes too uncomfortable to witness.
Double Feature: Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armor (Catherine Called Birdy & I Capture the Castle)
Jenna double features two adaptations of beloved YA novels with Catherine Called Birdy and I Capture The Castle – the first about the actual 13th-century and the second about a girl in the 1930s living in a crumbling 13th century Castle.
Whatever Happened to Teen Movies?
Jenna attempts to pinpoint when teen movies lost their emotional sincerity, while Veronica shrugs and suggests she simply watch more movies. They discuss coming of age films from the late 1970s to the early 2000s – from early Matt Dillon films to Millennial classics.
Double Feature: 30-Something Delinquents Going on 16 (Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent)
Turning 30 can be rough. All that peer pressure, awkward insecurity, fights with mom, not to mention the raging hormones… Wait did I say 30? I meant 16. Sorry, I get those two confused somehow, just like our double feature: Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent.
Double Feature: The Dangers of Peer Pressure (Last Summer & The Party's Over)
If you watch The Party’s Over and Last Summer in a row and you'll come away realizing not only was the dream of the 1960s a lie, but we've never actually accomplished anything.
My Friend Dahmer Review: The Dilemma Between Disgust and Empathy
My Friend Dahmer emphasizes how the culture of cruelty and selfishness in high school can aid in masking real warning signs. But to forgive or not to forgive is another question entirely.
Coming Back to Fire Walk With Me
Fire Walk With Me hammers home the anguish of the life that existed before it was defined by a final tragic act.