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Between Maria Schneider and Bernardo Bertolucci, Whose Truth Matters More?
Jessica Palud's Being Maria investigates this boundary between truth and art by turning the spotlight on the life of French actor Maria Schneider. What exactly does "the truth" mean when you're working in a manufactured environment?
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Singapore Sling
Veronica watched Singapore Sling so you don’t have to, outlining all of the worst parts of this wet and gruesome ride through Greek Tragedy and BDSM.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Scum (1979)
Empathy just one of the themes of Alan Clarke’s Scum, about England’s notorious Borstal youth detention center. It’s a harrowing watch, here to remind you that these prison systems benefit from society’s ability to look the other way when the truth becomes too uncomfortable to witness.
Female Anxiety Films: Women's History Month Edition
Anxiety is what bonds us women together, even more than that sisterhood junk or whichever biological grossness, because it exists inside every type of woman there is. If you’ve spent a minute of your life as a woman, you’ve experienced female anxiety. That’s just the way it goes.
Post-Anime Club: Tokyo Idols & Perfect Blue
Capitalism, loneliness and purity is the name of the japanese idol game–especially as told through Tokyo Idols and Perfect Blue. Carlo and Jenna discuss these themes in depth as they attempt to navigate the darker aspects of a society they otherwise tend to admire.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Irreversible
Gaspar Noé’s Irreversible is known for its unflinchingly brutal rape scene, but what Veronica found more unforgivable was how boring the whole movie was.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
At it’s heart, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a commentary on both the mutability of morality and the culpability of voyeurism. Or it’s a weirdly dark comedy, depends on how twisted your soul is.
Double Feature: The Dangers of Peer Pressure (Last Summer & The Party's Over)
If you watch The Party’s Over and Last Summer in a row and you'll come away realizing not only was the dream of the 1960s a lie, but we've never actually accomplished anything.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Myra Breckinridge
Myra Breckinridge is indeed a failure of an adaptation, yet I suspect the intensity of the vitriol towards this film is about something beyond just the admittedly poor direction; most likely it has more to do with the unconscious biases Vidal set out to skewer to begin with.
Repulsion at Catherine Deneuve and Roman Polanski
In light of Deneuve's comments on #MeToo, Jenna muses on how it is that somebody so close to Repulsion could somehow miss this point of the movie entirely.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: A Serbian Film
With graphic violence, rape, drugs, pedophilia and necrophilia, Veronica watched A Serbian Film so you don't have to. But maybe you actually should.
Coming Back to Fire Walk With Me
Fire Walk With Me hammers home the anguish of the life that existed before it was defined by a final tragic act.