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The Card Counter, Guilt, and Brokenness
In The Card Counter, the schism between processing trauma and self-forgiveness comes to a head. To Bill, this living prison he has set up for himself is akin to a religion. But salvation cannot be achieved without true consciousness – simply having suffered great punishment is not enough.
Life Without a Parachute: A Review of Anne at 13,000 Ft.
If the past two years of societal upheaval hasn't been enough drama for you, Kazik Radwanski's Anne at 13,000 Ft. is here to whip you right back into another panic attack. Or really, take you on a leisurely walk through one woman's frenetic downward spiral as a meditation on the concept of control.
Losin' It: Movies on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
There’s no standard way to behave for a breakdown, so it can be a challenge to make something read clearly on screen when the majority of the drama takes place internally. Veronica discusses The Sound of Violence, The Voices and Muriel's Wedding, three films that explore how to have a mental breakdown.