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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Albert Serra's Liberté
Liberté is as much about human nature versus society as it is about tongue versus butt. Albert Serra casts the audience in the role of the vouyer, using the act of observation as a meta commentary on nature, pleasure and freedom.
Hearts of Darkness: Movies that Pit Humans Against Nature
Stories that pit man against nature are classic and universal. They remind us how far we’ve come and yet how easily it can all be taken away. The films Arctic, Sorcerer and Embrace of the Serpent each touch upon different existential horrors one can encounter when exposed to the elements.
Naughty By Nature: Films That Wrestle With Instinct Over Intellect
Movies spend a lot of time ruminating on how much of who we are is inherent and how much is learned. Yet the films Good Manners, The Woman, and Spring ask us: what if nothing about us is a choice?