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On The Passing of David Lynch
With the death of David Lynch, Jenna reflects on how she loved his brand of joy and sense of humor – the likes of which radiated through everything he did, including his most upsetting scenes.
Amy Seimetz's She Dies Tomorrow Explores the Terror of Anticipation
The brilliance of She Dies Tomorrow is in how it weaponizes the anxiety of anticipation. The finality of death, in comparison, feels far less terrifying than having to live in fear of its inevitability.
Double Feature: The Dangers of Peer Pressure (Last Summer & The Party's Over)
If you watch The Party’s Over and Last Summer in a row and you'll come away realizing not only was the dream of the 1960s a lie, but we've never actually accomplished anything.
Singing Psychedelia: Drug Soaked Musicals of the '70s & '80s
People who dislike musicals like to make claims about how unrealistic they are while they stand in line for yet another superhero movie, but nobody who likes musicals is dying for realism. Read about Xanadu, Phantom of The Paradise and All That Jazz.
Double Feature: Female Anxiety, Celebrity Edition (I, Tonya & Amy)
Veronica takes a look at I, Tonya and Amy in this latest double feature with a focus on celebrity female anxiety as its theme.
Childhood is Hell: The Horror of Coming of Age Movies
Stand By Me and Now and Then faces mortality, while The Transfiguration and Eyes of My Mother accept it head-on.
Laughing Through the Tears: The Big Sick, Dean, and Other People
Comedians Getting Sad In Cars Over Loved Ones. Re: A look at The Big Sick, Dean, and Other People
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Charlotte For Ever
"Inceste de citron, lemon incest, je t'aime t'aime, je t'aime plus que tout"