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Cream of the Crud in Breaking Training
Carlo and Dan are back with more of the Crud they’ve been watching - including The Kid Brother, more tokusatsu shows, and the original Batman series.
A Good Day to Cream of the Crud
Carlo and Dan are back talking about a double-feature of overlooked 90s comedies: Strike! aka All I Wanna Do aka The Hairy Bird, and Dick.
Cream of the Crud: When Nature Calls
Carlo discusses the movies they saw at Nippon Connection, Dan watched some Gold Ninja Video releases, and so much more. Listen now!
Cream of the Crud Takes Manhattan
Carlo and Dan discuss Wong Jing movies, CAT III horror from Hong Kong, an underseen Eric Roberts movie, and much more!
Cream of the Crud: City of Masks
Dan and Carlo are back to their cruddy ways! Carlo watched Dragons Forever, The Delinquents and more, while Dan checked out Magic Crystal before being disappointed by a North American blockbuster.
Cream of the Crud: The Secret of the Ooze
Dan and Carlo are back, talking about movie releases and what they've been watching lately - from Canadian hidden gems to CATIII flicks, there's something for everyone in this episode!
Cream of the Crud: Cruise Control
It's time to get cruddy again! Carlo and Dan are talking SOV revenge movies, old tech horror movies, video game adaptations, and what they've been watching.
Cream of the Crud: Full Throttle
For Cream of the Crud, Carlo and Dan talk about new year’s movie resolutions, Japanuary, take questions from listeners, and so much more!
Jingle All the Cream of the Crud
It's that time of the year again! Christmas? No! Well, yes, but it's also the time where Carlo and Dan get together to talk about new releases, movies they've seen and so much more!
Cream of the Crud: Back in the Habit
Carlo and Dan are back with a post-Halloween episode of Cream of the Crud, talking about movies they've been watching (BoardingHouse! New York Ninja!) and the latest news of physical releases.
Cream of the Crud: Money Never Sleeps
Today might be Halloween hangover day, but Dan and Carlo are back in podcast form to talk about what they've been watching this frightful season, news of physical release announcements and much more.
Carlo's Cream of the Crud: The Vengeful Beauty (1978)
Carlo is here, in living color, with a brand new video essay on Shaw Brothers’ The Vengeful Beauty (1978), a proto-girls with guns movie.