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Decade vs Decade: 50s v 90s - Horror
Dan & Jenna have spun the wheel again and landed on horror. Join them as they discuss Dementia (1955) vs The Office Killer (1997), two surreal, female-driven slashers.
Make The Electrical Life of Louis Wain Your New Religion
Jenna is encouraging you to not only go see The Electrical Life of Louis Wain but also to join her in starting a new electric religion based on Louis’ own quasi-scientific ramblings and psychedelic cat drawings.
Double Feature: Fractions of Art and Mind (8½ & 9½ Weeks)
You may be surprised to find out that 8 1/2 and 9 1/2 Weeks have more in common than their sequential titles; they’re both approaches to art-making about approaching art-making.