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Prisoners of the Ghostland and the Pursuit of a Better Tomorrow
Don’t be blinded by the action and exploding [censored], Prisoners of the Ghostland boasts a strong morality message on how we can make things actually great for once; not ‘again’ because there is no actual ‘great again’ when we discuss the past.
The World is Burning. Why Can't I Stop Watching Mission Impossible?
Jenna watched every Mission Impossible movie while under quarantine and she was shocked to find that, instead of the nationalistic action-schlock she had anticipated, the entire franchise is actually an unwitting call to true anarchistic revolution.
Back Row Book Club: Nick Nolte's Rebel
Veronica was impressed by how honest Nick Nolte’s autobiography Rebel is. From being open about his struggles with mental illness and drugs, to his love to acting and unconventional women, there’s more to Nick Nolte than that one mug shot.
Ad Astra Crashes High-Concept Space Dramas Back Down to Earth
James Gray takes the vacuum of space–including your lofty and high-minded expectations of space movies–and plugs it all up with self-help books about learning to love yourself. Cue Whitney Houston!
Steven Seagal is an Alien. Can We All Just Agree On That?
Back in the ‘90s there was this one guy, a stoic blob who had neither much in terms of discernible charm, nor was he ever willing to show off much of anything he picked up in all his years training under several alleged martial arts masters, but still gained worldwide fame in the world of kicking ass and taking names. Join us, as we take a look at the early works of Steven Seagal, and question his status as a citizen of Earth.
Cynthia Rothrock: The Blonde Fury of Hong Kong
Two-and-a-half decades before the stars of Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman had risen, there was a little girl from Delaware who, with a little perseverance and a whole lot of talent, took Hong Kong by storm.
Old Man Yells At 2017: The Best New To Me Movies
Or "An excuse to go on about Hong Kong cinema."