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The Right to a Goddamned Choice: Movies About Unwanted Pregnancies
Abortion is healthcare, and it is our right to demand a choice. Happening, Lingui The Sacred Bonds and Citizen Ruth are three films – all depicting different times, places and eras – that show the importance of a woman’s right to choose.
Criticism, Critiques, People & Perfection: A Discussion with Jenna & Veronica
Jenna & Veronica discuss an essay by Pauline Kael reflecting on people's hostile responses to her writing while they reflect on their own experiences as female film critics. They touch upon multiple topics–from hate mail, the concept of perfection and how to give and receive criticisms–so stop NAGGING us already GOD retweet sideye #lame
Female Anxiety Films: Women's History Month Edition
Anxiety is what bonds us women together, even more than that sisterhood junk or whichever biological grossness, because it exists inside every type of woman there is. If you’ve spent a minute of your life as a woman, you’ve experienced female anxiety. That’s just the way it goes.
A Conversation with Director Amy Goldstein of Underestimate The Girl
Veronica talks with director Amy Goldstein on her new intimate documentary about musician Kate Nash. They discuss shooting the film, as well as Amy’s experiences, both fun and frustrating, working as a woman in the film industry.
Ep# 13 - Women In Film
This week on Notes From The Back Row, we dive into women filmmakers and the movies they created - from the overlooked to the downright classic.