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Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books: The Great Gatsby, Naked Lunch & Dune
Veronica takes a look at whether it’s the books that are unfilmable or if the movie is just unwatchable. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the details and everything to do with capturing the big picture.
Hearts of Darkness: Movies that Pit Humans Against Nature
Stories that pit man against nature are classic and universal. They remind us how far we’ve come and yet how easily it can all be taken away. The films Arctic, Sorcerer and Embrace of the Serpent each touch upon different existential horrors one can encounter when exposed to the elements.
Singing Psychedelia: Drug Soaked Musicals of the '70s & '80s
People who dislike musicals like to make claims about how unrealistic they are while they stand in line for yet another superhero movie, but nobody who likes musicals is dying for realism. Read about Xanadu, Phantom of The Paradise and All That Jazz.