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Cream of the Crud: Cruise Control
It's time to get cruddy again! Carlo and Dan are talking SOV revenge movies, old tech horror movies, video game adaptations, and what they've been watching.
Cream of the Crud: Armed & Fabulous
Carlo and Dan are back with more Cream of the Crud, answering listener questions, discussing physical media releases, and moves like Jeopardy, Cast A Deadly Spell, and more!
A Very Cream of the Crud Sequel
Carlo and Dan are back yet again with another jam-packed episode of Cream of the Crud. It’s a potpourri of podcasting for the cinematically deranged– including new physical releases and the Italio-Post-Apoc-Corner.
Return of Cream of the Crud
Carlo and Dan are back with another hang-out, news-talkin' episode of Cream of the Crud! It's a potpourri of podcasting for the cinematically deranged.