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On The Passing of David Lynch
With the death of David Lynch, Jenna reflects on how she loved his brand of joy and sense of humor – the likes of which radiated through everything he did, including his most upsetting scenes.
Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books: The Great Gatsby, Naked Lunch & Dune
Veronica takes a look at whether it’s the books that are unfilmable or if the movie is just unwatchable. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the details and everything to do with capturing the big picture.
Coming Back to Fire Walk With Me
Fire Walk With Me hammers home the anguish of the life that existed before it was defined by a final tragic act.
Zalman King's Two Moon Junction is Twin Peaks' Dirty Secret
Two Moon Junction is an erotic thriller straight out of the Black Lodge... or is it vice versa?