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See It Or Don't: Zach Cregger's Barbarian
Jenna and Veronica both enjoyed Barbarian, which is why they recorded a podcast ripping it apart. It’s one part film critique, one part conversation, and a whole lot of lusting after Lil’ Billy Skarsgård.
Friends and Other Monsters: 'Ezrulie' Review
Erzulie, a female-forward creature feature about a mythical mermaid, is a fun and unexpected indie flick that follows then subverts horror tropes in a clever, entertaining way.
Hoser Horror: The Peanut Butter Solution & To Catch A Yeti (Feat. Matt from Compañeros Radio Network)
Matt from the Compañeros Radio Network joins Dan and Carlo to talk about two nightmarish kids movies.
Ep# 20 - Hoser Horror: When Animals Attack, Eh?
Animals are attacking on Hoser Horror, eh? Giant rats, killer fish, oh my! Carlo & Dan discuss Psycho Pike and GNAW: Food of the Gods II - and live to tell the tale!!