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Tales from Skull: A Night of Terror (1987) feat. Allan Levine
In this sequel of sorts to last year's interview with Allan Levine about their SOV Emmeritus Pictures, Allan returns to discuss stories from behind the scenes of the 1987 low-budget exploitation picture Skull: A Night of Terror.
A Tribute to Martin Short, Leading Man
Dan and Jenna team up to watch what Martin Short himself called his "leading man years" – a string of movie roles that set him up to become the next big thing in cinema and never really went anywhere big.
Cream of the Crud
Carlo and Dan are stretchin' their legs out for a chilled chat about whatever the heck they've been watching lately – from Mortal Kombat to Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.
Hoser Horror: Top of the Food Chain (1999) & Corpse Eaters (1974)
Join Carlo and Dan as they talk about two completely random, theme-less Canadian horror movies that they happened to want to watch this week: Food Chain (1999) & Corpse Eaters (1974)
Of Truth and Nonsense: Matthew Rankin's The Twentieth Century Review
Matthew Rankin’s The Twentieth Century is like if Guy Madden and Ken Russell discovered a portal to the 1920s while playing playing laser tag against Monty Python’s animations. You know, your run of the mill biopic on a moderate Canadian politician.
Hoser Horror: The Pink Chiquitas (1987) & Wicked World (1991 / 2009)
This time on Hoser Horror, Dan and Carlo are joined by Meghann of Ghouls Only Press and the Ghouls Only Cast to discuss two Canadian horror movies of varying quality.
Hoser Horror: Deathdream (1974) & Seizure (1974)
Carlo and Dan welcome Back Row's own Jenna to discuss two more Canadian horror movies about fantastical murderers–Bob Clark’s anti-war classic Deathdream and Oliver Stone’s home invasion Seizure.
Hoser Horror: Blood Clan (1990) & Evil Judgment (1984)
This week on a very special episode of Hoser Horror, Dan and Carlo decide to dive into two more spooktastic horror flicks as is customary around this time of year. Or so they thought!
Franchise Frenzy: The Meatballs Series
It’s a meaty episode of Franchise Frenzy as Dan and Carlo dig deep down into a hearty plate of the Meatballs movies–the Canadian teen-sex comedy series that launched Bill Murray to stardom.
Hoser Horror: Humongous & Cross Country feat. Shea Mossefin
Carlo and Dan taking another look into the filmography of Paul Lynch as they watch his island-set slasher Humongous and the cross-country sleaze-o-rama... Cross Country.
Hoser Horror: Radioactive Rabids
This time on Hoser Horror Dan and Carlo talk about Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter and Rabid!
Ep# 36 - Hoser Horror: Phone Murder by Death Ship (with Paul Corupe)
Guest Paul Corupe joins Dan & Carlo to discuss two notable tax shelter era horror movies featuring inanimate objects as murderers: Murder by Phone and Death Ship.
Ep# 35 - Hoser Horror: Christmas Spectacular (Curtains & Ghostkeeper)
On this festive Hoser Horror episode of Notes from the Back Row, Carlo and Dan zip up their snowpants and lace their boots in order to discuss Ghostkeeper and Curtains.
Ep #33 - Hoser Horror: Mind Meltin' Rip-Offs (Cathy's Curse & Things)
Carlo and Dan take a mind-melting turn down the back-alley of Canadian pseudo-rip-offs Cathy’s Curse and Things!
Ep #32 - Hoser Horror: The Origin of Canuxploitation with Paul Corupe
Paul Corupe joins Dan & Carlo to discuss how he became interested in Canadian cult movies and what exactly led him to create his website Canuxploitation back in the late-nineties.
Ep #27 - Hoser Horror: Jon Mikl Thor's Nightmares
This time on another Hoser Horror episode of Notes from the Back Row, Carlo and Dan watch a double-feature of Canadian horror films featuring the one, the only: Jon Mikl Thor.
Ep#24 - Hoser Horror: US, Eh? Canadian American Horror
Hoser Horror goes a little bit south of North America and dips into the ol’ U.S.A. with this week’s two Canadian horror films–Red Blooded American Girl and American Nightmare.
Ep#23 - Hoser Horror: My Bloody Valentine & Visiting Hours
Carlo, Dan and guest Adam Eisentrout discuss My Bloody Valentine (1981), and Visiting Hours (1982) and their place in the pantheon of blood-soaked Canadian stab-’em-ups.
Ep#22 - Hoser Horror: Revenge in the Great White North
This week, Hoser Horror goes into the backwoods to find two of the meanest, sleaziest revenge movies this side of the great white north.
Ep# 20 - Hoser Horror: When Animals Attack, Eh?
Animals are attacking on Hoser Horror, eh? Giant rats, killer fish, oh my! Carlo & Dan discuss Psycho Pike and GNAW: Food of the Gods II - and live to tell the tale!!