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Wes Anderson's The French Dispatch is a Salute to Imperfection in a Perfectionist's Career
Practically all of the jokes in The French Dispatch exist on a sort of intellectually tickling plane that are amusing when you think about them after the fact but not exactly hilarious to behold. It’s Wes Anderson’s at his most irreverent without ever being laugh-out-loud funny. You know, just like a New Yorker cartoon.
Christmas Capers and Comedies to Lighten Up This Shitty Year
And so this is Christmas… doesn’t mean Veronica’s gotta be all sentimental about it. Here’s a list of three perfectly hilarious Christmas films to bring you joy, whether they mean to be funny or not.
Franchise Frenzy: The Meatballs Series
It’s a meaty episode of Franchise Frenzy as Dan and Carlo dig deep down into a hearty plate of the Meatballs movies–the Canadian teen-sex comedy series that launched Bill Murray to stardom.
"This Is Fine": The Dead Don't Die is a Portrait of Modern Complacency
Jim Jarmusch seems downright mad about our collective complacency and emotional compartmentalization towards the world. He’s hoping that if he dresses it up real nice in a fun, mainstream package, maybe you’ll get mad too.