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Carlo's C.R.A.P. (Cinematic Rarities And Peculiarities) 2019
Carlo’s caught a bad case of Movietitis B in 2019 so stay clear if you don’t wanna get sick.
Sill going for it, eh? Sick.
Dan's Top Film Discoveries of 2019
Dan’s top film discoveries of 2019 include made for TV movies, found footage, documentaries about dating objects, arthouse slashers and overlooked 1990s dramas–it’s a cornucopia of the strange and great!
Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books, Part II: Source VS Adaptation
London Fields and Cloud Atlas aren’t horrible films, they’re just poor adaptations. Veronica takes a look at how that could be in part II of Back Row Book Club’s look at unfilmable books.
Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books: The Great Gatsby, Naked Lunch & Dune
Veronica takes a look at whether it’s the books that are unfilmable or if the movie is just unwatchable. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the details and everything to do with capturing the big picture.