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Back Row Book Club: The Poignant & Grotesquely Funny Cinema of Ettore Scola
The Cinema of Ettore Scola is an essential addition for the shelves of those who have wondered what contextual nuances they might have been missing out on, or anyone who has wanted to dip their toes into the wonderful world of Italian political satire.
Back Row Book Club: Nick Nolte's Rebel
Veronica was impressed by how honest Nick Nolte’s autobiography Rebel is. From being open about his struggles with mental illness and drugs, to his love to acting and unconventional women, there’s more to Nick Nolte than that one mug shot.
Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books, Part II: Source VS Adaptation
London Fields and Cloud Atlas aren’t horrible films, they’re just poor adaptations. Veronica takes a look at how that could be in part II of Back Row Book Club’s look at unfilmable books.
Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books: The Great Gatsby, Naked Lunch & Dune
Veronica takes a look at whether it’s the books that are unfilmable or if the movie is just unwatchable. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the details and everything to do with capturing the big picture.
Ep#26 - Raisin' Hell with Burton, Harris, O'Toole, and Reed in the #MeToo Era
Jenna and Veronica discuss Robert Sellers' book Hellraisers–a biography about Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris, Richard Burton and Oliver Reed–and how the legacies of these four legendary drunks fit in with our modern societal standards.
Back Row Book Club: Taraji P. Henson's Around the Way Girl
Resourceful, talented, intelligent, strong and super cute, Taraji P Henson makes you believe the American Dream is actually achievable. Around the Way Girl: A Memoir: Taraji P. Henson is full of interesting anecdotes about working in and breaking through a system that’s working against you.
Back Row Book Club: Rita Moreno's America
Rita Moreno is sharp, stunning, can sing, dance, act, just everything. She also had a ton of sex with Marlon Brando 👍
Back Row Book Club: Hunting for Tab
All the dirt and gossip from Hollywood memoirs, starting with Tab Hunter