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Movies that Fear the Future: Before We Vanish, Antiviral and Mindhack
There is a spectrum for how humans think of the future: at one end are the people who look forward to Mars colonies and widely available sex robots, and at the other end is the Unabomber. Before We Vanish, Antiviral and Mindhack #savetheworld teeter somewhere in-between completely fatalistic and blindly idealistic.
Annihilation Review: A Refraction of Mortality
Alex Garland's Annihilation is engaging and creepy, yet a little more on the horror-concept side than truly enlightening sci-fi to me. TL;DR I came for Stalker but I got reverse Solaris.
Nothing Beside Remains: An Appreciation of Alien Covenant
All earth was but one thought — and that was death
Immediate and inglorious