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2019 is the Year of Psychomagic Therapy: Honey Boy, The Souvenir, Pain & Glory
What do Shia LaBeouf, Joanna Hogg and Pedro Almodovar all have in common? Their latest films prove they are all students of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Psychomagic–a shamanic psychotherapy that helps to heal the soul through poetic expression.
Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2017
If I had to sum up 2017 I'd use the word "dread." And cinema, a mirror of humanity as it were, sure seemed to reflect that sentiment...
The Endless Poetry of Alejandro Jodorowsky
A look at Endless Poetry, Alejandro Jowodrosky's semi-autobiographical coming of age film
Double Feature: Counterculture Cowboys of 1971 (The Hired Hand & Zachariah)
Featuring The Hired Hand and Zachariah - fusions of Western and counterculturist values.
The New Wave Horror Films of Mexico
Mexico has been the country to watch when it comes to horror and sci-fi movies